Daniel shares his light-bulb moment regarding economics and gives you a quick crash course in current money matters. From microeconomics to macroeconomics, Daniel covers the history and mechanics of how money works, where the dollar is going, and what to do to protect yourself in the coming financial storm.
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(01:04) The rise and fall of the US dollar as the global reserve currency: a quick history
(06:57) Inflation, hyperinflation. The mechanism that keeps your poor
(11:44) Not being negative, just real: It’s possible the US is on the verge of a deep downturn.
(17:30) You will never be rich renting out your time
(19:00) The concept of money is fluid
(20:30) Money is always a tool, not an end of itself
(24:09) Earn money with your MIND, not your TIME
(37:37) Money is the SEED, not the FRUIT
(42:34) Material wealth and true wealth are not to be confused
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None of the contents of this show should be taken as financial or legal advice. The New Wave Entrepreneur is educational and entertainment content only. Remember: always DYOR!
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